Every week...

That's right.  We go to the doctor every week now!  Just got back from our appointment this week, and our doc informed us that we are now at that stage.  It's crazy to think we are there already!  We are all happy and healthy though.  Well, I would be happier if Princess Long Legs would remove her giant hoof from my ribs, but other than that we are peachy.  Her heartbeat is right on target, and my blood pressure is literally perfect.  So let's hope we keep that up!

We have made some great progress on her room.  This will be the last sneak peek before it's all done. I say that like it's some big surprise, but really I am just trying to be suspenseful for myself and give us a deadline of some sort!  We need to get one more piece of furniture, and we are waiting for our uber glider and ottoman to be shipped.  Then I can FINALLY wash everything, and get it all put away.  

This last weekend we took a childbirth prep class at the hospital.  It was SO educational.  While I had the gist of the whole situation, it was really nice to have everything broken down step by step with pictures, videos, and lists.  Lists make EVERYTHING better.  Really understanding the stages of labor and what to expect will help both D and me when the show gets going.  We even got to tour the hospital, and I loved it.  I am very excited to be delivering there.

We also got to watch a birth video with a natural birth experience. I was supremely grateful for that. Since I was the only one in the class who was aiming for a non-medicated birth I just assumed we would be seeing videos for them.  However, it was good to see someone actually go through the whole experience minus meds, and to see what she did, what worked for her, what didn't, etc.  It was also amazing to see her husband by her side, aiding, supporting, and encouraging the whole way through.  It was obviously such a time of connection for them, and strengthening for their relationship.  Both D and I are excited for that experience too.  It's going to hurt, and I am preparing for that.  But having him there, doing what we are practicing now, and just being supportive will be huge.  I need him there to advocate for me when I can't do it for myself, to make me stick with it when I want to give up, and to see our daughter scream her head off for the first time.  

We have a lot of stuff coming up in the next few weeks.  I am finished with work in eight days (WHOA), we have a breastfeeding class, obviously more check in's with the doc, meeting our pediatrician, meeting the Maternity Care lady at the hospital and fill out things, a marriage counseling session, and a natural birth strategies class.  It's going to be a busy few weeks, but I am happy to have things to do.  I feel like this last month or so is going to DRAG.  

Hopefully, at next week's appointment, we will get an idea of how big the little monster is.  Any guesses??


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