33 weeks!

Today, I am officially in the 8th month of pregnancy.  I can't believe we are so far along already!  Here we are...

It really just seems to keep flying by.  I only have 15 days of work left, and 49 until Gretel's supposed arrival.  Although, as you can see by the wall in the picture, we are making fabulous progress on her nursery!  Everything is painted, and this weekend my brother and D got the carpet almost completely done.  Casey tried to help, but really she just wanted to lay in the sun.  She is doing a good job of holding the carpet pad in place.
But the final product looks great!  We could not have gotten more lucky with the paint colors and the carpet colors.  We kind of picked stuff from memory hoping it would all work out, and it looks awesome!  
D has to head back to ATL tomorrow, but next weekend they will finish getting all the trim in and then it's time for FURNITURE!  I have been waiting and waiting so that I can finally wash all of her things and get them put away and organized.  Baby steps (no pun intended) but we are getting there!

As I said, D heads back to ATL this week, but fortunately this should be his last trip before Gretel gets here.  I am happy to have him home for awhile so we can try to get more prepared for this insanity.  And tonight we start BABY CLASSES.  Newborn Care is an educational class about feeding, sleeping, CPR, and all things baby that we don't know.  This coming Saturday we have an all day childbirth class.  You know, where we learn all the GOOD stuff.  I am sure it will be quite educational.  We have one more class in the middle of March...Natural Childbirth Strategies.  Lots of education on exercises, birth plans, etc and how to try to have a non-medicated birth.  It's my goal, so I want to learn what I can before she gets here!I started some exercises this week, and already they are helping some of the back discomfort.  So here's hoping that keeps up!

We had a doctor's appointment last week.  Gretel's heartbeat was loud and strong, and my blood pressure is right where it should be.  We go back again next Wednesday, so be on the look out for another update!


  1. So adorable :) I did pregnancy yoga with LB and loved it! Helped so much with aches. I'm going to start it up soon again as my back pains are starting up. Anyways you look great and can't wait to see the finished nursery!


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