I can't believe it's already time for another month birthday. I think I write that every time, but it goes by so fast! We went to the doctor yesterday, and she is on the same track she has been. 32 inches tall (90%) and not quite 23 lbs (50%). She grew one inch in two months. I knew something was up when all of a sudden her shoes stopped fitting, and capri pants turned into shorts too quickly. She also had to get three shots. It should have only been two, but since we are leaving the country again, she had to get another MMR. That's the third one of those. Apparently, the one before she was 12 months 'didn't count.' We had a sad night last night. She ate pizza, and sat on the couch and cried. It was so sad.
She is still just the best little person. She says uh oh and wow. She knows what a cow, a dog, and a cat says. We went to a farm this last weekend, and she got to feed and pet cows and horses. She became fast friends with a giant German Shepard who loved her, and a cat who tolerated her. :)
We are just about out of 18 month clothes, length wise. I am thankful it's summer time. She is skinny enough to still wear 12 month stuff, and it fits. So shorts and skirts fit. Whew. I underestimated my giant child when buying summer clothes.
We are gearing up for vacation. We are less than two months away from a week in Germany, and two weeks in Greece on the beach. We are SO excited, and I can't wait for her to see her family again, and meet everyone in Greece. And for her to see the beach for the first time! She loves playing in water, so I think she will like it. I am not looking forward to all the traveling. But we broke down, and bought her a seat so hopefully that will help.
Here are a few pictures from the last month. Zwerg, you are the best! You make our lives so amazing, and we are so happy that you are ours. We love you!
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Her first walking stick |
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Chatting with Katsy |
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Happy Fourth of July! |
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Learning about Sesame Street |
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My lady |
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Playing with Grammie |
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Big 15 month old girl! |
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