13 months

13 months seems weird.  At some point I want to stop saying 'months' and just say 'one year and whatever'.

This month has flown by again!  She is almost walking!  She has a baby stroller she loves to push, and it's the cutest thing ever.  I am sure in a few weeks we will have our first steps.

D has been gone this last week.  It's our first time alone in awhile.  We are doing ok, but it's a different hard this time.  Now that she is mobile and all over the place, I feel like we are constantly on the go.  But it's also more fun as she explores and discovers.  However, she has discovered that she has the choice to do the OPPOSITE of what I would like her to do.  We have had some of our first real battles of the wills, and it was harder than I thought it would be.  It was also earlier than I thought it would be.  I was hoping not to deal with this till she was like, you know, thirteen.

Anyway, it's a been another great month!  Zwerg, you are the most fun!  We play, laugh, blow bubbles, play outside, play hide and seek and peekaboo, and so much more!  I can't wait for you to start walking!  We love you!

Hanging in Casey's bed

She can reach the doorknobs.  Yikes! 
At the zoo with Katsy!

Yogurt face

Mad about the snow, and wanting to go outside

Super cool


Choosing a less than optimal way to dismount the chair


Celebrating Katsy

Playing guitar with Mama

More bubbles

My Zwerg!


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