11 months!

Holy cow!  11 months!  One year is right around the corner.  I missed her 11 month birthday.  We were in Denver, and she was spending the weekend with Papa Dos and Oma Katsy.  This was our first weekend away, and her first time to spend a few days with someone besides us.  She did GREAT.  No problems, great sleeping, lots of fun with the family.  It was so nice to not worry about her.  In fact, when I got home yesterday, my dad left and I was getting her up from her nap. She looked confused, and kept looking around the house for Papa Dos.  It was kind of funny.  She got pretty excited after she figured out it was really me, and when Papa got home from work.  It makes me feel good that she does well without us. We have another wedding to go this summer, and she will be just fine then, also.

Milestones!  She pulls up on EVERYTHING now.  We have not been doing a great job at baby proofing.  That is going to have to change.  She really understands what we are saying now.  We can ask her things, and she will say please or shake her head no.  I can ask her to 'Show Mama' and she will point at what she wants.  She loves following us around, and 'finding us.' She loves the dishwasher and opening the cabinets.  We had our first cabinet casualty.  A Starbucks mug died at the hands of the tiny mover. So I finally got the cabinet lock things, but they have yet to be installed.  We had our first real sickness.  She picked up a nasty cold, and a bad cough.  It was so sad.  I don't like sick babies.  She is finally almost done with it, but D and I are still moving through it.  A family that cares is a family that shares.  Her appetite is back, and she eats everything! Noodles, toast, avocados, anything that we are eating.  It's nice to see her scarf stuff down after not really eating for a month.

And we have entered the boo boo stage.  She tumbles over, face plants, slips, and on and on and on.  Fortunately, after the initial crying, she doesn't really care.  She loves to ride on her car, and read books.  She puts her hands out when asking 'Where?' and ALMOST says 'all done.' No real words yet.  She KIND OF gets Mama, but not totally.  I am not worried about it.  It's not uncommon for kid in bilingual homes to speak later.  And she understands and responds to what we are saying to her.  We are all good.

Her birthday party is in the works.  I am excited to see our family celebrate her, and watch her smash her little face into a sugary mess of a cake. She already has a couple of cute outfits, so there will be many pictures.  And there will be tiny people here for her to play with.  I can't wait!

Reading with Papa

Scaring Mama

Looking at her first real snow!

So....happy 11 months to our little person.  You are the best Zwerg in the world!!


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