Happy 7 month birthday, Zwerg!

I am seven months old!
Unbelievably, the tiny Zwerg is seven months old today!  It's hard to imagine that it's November, and we are on the downhill slope to her one year celebration.  She is so much fun!  I don't know where I would be without her.  She is the best little human, and she makes our family so much better.

She loves to sit up and stand.  Her favorite toys are a bucket with plastic shapes that she can dump out and stacking cups.  She loves to play peek-a-boo, and get tickled.  She high fives and gives slobbery, slimy kisses.  She loves fruit and most vegetables, although we are still working on the green veggies.  She is a great little traveler and still loves to people watch.  She giggles, but still does her fake laugh when she hears other people laughing.  Here is a video of her watching J and E's dogs play fetch.  She thought it was a riot.

We had so much fun visiting Uncle John and Aunt Elizabeth in Baltimore.  We got to hang out, see some great spots, eat some fun food, and play with their doggies, Iris and Pete.  We even got to visit with Great Uncle Chris, and of course, I don't have any pictures of that.  Here are some photos from the weekend, though.  It was so great to see them.  And we are so excited that they will be in KC to visit for Thanksgiving!

Hanging out with Uncle J, Pete and Iris
At the amazing Peabody Library
Enjoying some quiet time at the library

Chatting with J and E


We are enjoying our time in Atlanta.  One of D's coworker's, David, had some room dividers at his home, and is letting us borrow them while we are here.  We made Layla her own little 'room' and it has really helped with sleeping and nap times.  Here she is with David's daughter having tons of fun.

Today we are heading to IKEA.  D needs to purchase a lot of stuff for the office here, and we are taking a truck.  It's the little things that are exciting.  :)  Tomorrow we are headed north to Stone Mountain, and a small German village named Helen.  It's supposed to be beautiful this time of year.  Mountains, trees, (I am going to sneak in some shopping, of course) German food, and CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES.  I can't wait! It really is gorgeous here with all of the fall colors and leaves changing.  We are only three hours south of my old stomping grounds in Pigeon Forge and Dollywood.  I am not sure we will get there this time, but I might need to add it to the schedule in December.  Theme parks at Christmastime are some of my favorite things.

Only one more week, and then we will be home!  And then it's Thanksgiving, just two weeks at home, and we will be back here, then off to Germany!  It really is flying by.  Before I know it, it will be 2013 with Layla's first birthday around the corner.  I am sure I will be crazy with party prep by then!

Here is the happy seven month old today!


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