Showered with Love...and all things giraffe

Last Saturday was the FAB shower that my aunt, cousin, and two friends threw for Gretel and me.  Let me explain it's awesomeness.  

A) It was Christmas themed.  I really don't need to say anything more here.  Trees were everywhere.  Lights and snowman centerpieces.  Magic.
B) My peeps.  My family came out in full force. I love them.  They are always there for everything, no matter what.  My friends were icing on the cake.  And they laughed a lot.  I like them.
C)  FOOD.  If you know my family, you know we know food.  They were ON it last week.  Chicken salad thingies, breakfast cupcakes, cinnamon rolls, lemon gooey cake (my fav).  It was a never ending table of joy.  And while I couldn't enjoy them, Bloody Mary's and mimosas.  Love it.
D) Activities, not games.  I really dislike baby shower games.  I love activities.  We got to decorate sugar cookies (more Christmas), and everyone got to decorate their own onesie.  I have done this for so  many friends, and it's so great to see everyone's creative side come out.  I was so so excited that Gretel has something from everyone that was there that she can wear.  And throw up on.

We got so many wonderful and helpful gifts.  I am so thankful for this shower.  We literally had nothing beforehand, just a few stuffed animals and clothes.  Now when this kid shows up, we can probably survive.  Um...and my mom, the mom of all moms, made Gretel a little blanket/quilt.  One side is made up of pieces of a blanket that I had when I was little, and the other side is covered in giraffes.  It's perfect.  I know she worked hard on it, and I KNOW Gretel will treasure it. I do.  I cried about it.  There, I said it.  I need to get a picture of it so I can post it here.

I was so overwhelmed by everything we received.  This little giraffe will lack for nothing.  We are so blessed to have all of these people in our lives.  (Even those who put K-State things on onesies.  I will make sure there is extra poop for those.)  When D and I finally unloaded everything and got it into the house, we literally lost our front room.  We need a bigger house.  Or this kid needs less stuff.  Or both.  Whatever.  I feel like we are starting to finally make progress, and we might actually be ALMOST ready for this kid to show up in a few months.  This weekend we are furniture shopping. Currently, she would have to sleep in a drawer.  Or in her kick butt swing.  I am excited to keep moving forward, and get our little house ready for this big change.

We head to the doctor next Wednesday for our next check up.  We just keep getting closer and closer to April!  I can't believe we only have 10 weeks left...

PS...this.  Just this.  So much of this.  Don't Carpe Diem  I was really struggling this week with feeling the need to explain my choices and my decisions for how to have/raise this kid.  I am horrible at taking things personally.  In reality, D and I will make our decisions as best we can with the limited knowledge we have, and just try to keep educating ourselves.  Whether it's feeding, schools, languages, church, sleep schedules, or C-sections we will do our best for US.  And while I am happy to share our plans and explain those choices, I really don't need approval of them.  You can save your judgement.  I am grateful to have people in my life to remind me of this.


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