It's almost Christmas!

I really really really love Christmas. Everything about Christmas. Trees, music, lights, Jesus, snow, cold, lattes, fam time, gift giving, and on and on. I love our little house when Christmas explodes in it. I try to maintain so that you can still walk through the place, but it's CHRISTMAS TIME! So that means music is playing all the time, the garland lights are on, so are the two trees. Yes, two trees. The big one in the front room, and a little one in the TV room. When D first bought the house in 2007, and we had the first Christmas tree for some reason we named it Jimmy. All subsequent trees have been Jimmy the second, and so on. This year it's Jimmy the Fifth aka FUNF (funf is five in German). This is Funf.
Even though we are only going to be in town for another week, I still wanted to get a tree and get it decorated. It helps with the Christmas sprit!

After this last trip to ATL, I came down with a fab cold. I had a little one last week, and after this crazy weekend everything caught up to me. By the time we were getting on the plane to head home, I was done. I thankfully spent the day at home yesterday, catching up on sleep and emails from the comfort of my bed. It was a much needed day of recouperation. I am not 100% today, but I do feel human again. I miss the joys of NyQuil, and the glorious sleep it brings. I hope Gretel likes the Mucinex and orange juice that I have been downing.

One week from today, we will be heading to Germany. I am so so excited. Mostly because the Christmas markets look AMAZING, but also because I miss D's fam. We haven't seen them since February. I know he is really looking forward to being home for the holidays. He hasn't been there for Christmas in six years, and he is so anxious. We are going to ONE MORE Kocher+Beck Christmas party. We were invited to the one that is in Stuttgart while Lars (D's boss and the owner of the company) was in town. So, the final and third shin dig will be the day that we get in. Just enough time to scarf some pretzels, take a nap, and get pretty for the party.

We might spend a few days in Vienna to have a break from the fam, and just have some alone time. If we do that, we will be back in Stuttgart for New Year's Eve with D's parents and a few more days with them before we head home.

Then we are HOME. I am really looking forward to it. This last trip really took it out of me. I don't rebound like I used to with Gretel around. And then I will only have two months of work left! That is crazy. It's really going quickly, and I feel like there are still a lot of things for me to organize and get ready before I go. It will all happen though.

Our next doctor appointment is Friday. Hopefully, it's just the regular old check up and Gretel and I are just fine. I will be scheduling our 3D sonogram then too. I can't wait to see her little face! Be on the look out for more pics of Christmas, and hopefully a few from Germany.


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