The Adventures of the Traveling Newton
So, Daniel and I are normally big travelers. We visit his fam in Germany once or twice a year. We try to add on an extra stop in Europe each time we go. We do lots of weekend trips to see our friends and family that are spread across the country. Some people like sports tickets, some like seeing concerts, some like TVs or whatever. We like to travel. And this little Newton is getting his wings early! In the next few months, we are going to be crazy people.

Two weekends ago we kicked off the insanity by visiting one of my FAV places, Denver. Fortunately, this fav place has one of my BFFs of 10 years, a handful of more close friends, my favorite foodie places, and shopping zones. We went specifically for the Great American Beer Festival. If you haven't heard of it, check it out. A crap load of brewers, tens of thousands of people, and we volunteered to pour for the brewers. So we got in free, drank free (well, not me), and got to people watch for HOURS. I highly recommend it. It was a BLAST. One of the highlights of all my Denver visits. It's definitely on our calendar to go again. We also got to spend time with some of our favorite people. So much laughter, such good times.
Tomorrow we are heading to LA for one of Daniel's best friend's wedding. We will have a couple days of beachy nothingness, and then we will get to celebrate with them on their awesome day. We haven't seen them since they came to KC for our wedding, so we are excited to reunite! Then we are up at the crack of dawn on Saturday morning to zip back to KC for another wedding that night. Sunday will be a day of NAPPING.
We are home for a bit, and then we are off again after Thanksgiving. We are spending a week in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. D really wanted to get away for a 'just-us pre-baby beach nothingness' vacation. Fortunately, we were able to cram it in before I get too rollypolly to enjoy it. We are both looking forward to being served umbrella drinks. Well, umbrella tea or whatever.
We get back just in time for the first of Daniel's company Christmas parties. The weekend after that, I will meet D in Atlanta for the second Christmas party. He gets to spend the whole week there after being in the DR for a week. He will be so excited.
We are back for a couple of weeks, and then it's off to Germany for two weeks of Christmas joy. Anyone has been around me for ten minutes might be aware that I have a slight love of Christmas. While I am slightly bummed that we won't be in KC (this is my first Christmas not with my fam), I am elated that this is where we are going. I think I will live.
We might try to throw in a short trip somewhere else while we are over there. Something with in driving/train distance. I want to try to see as much as possible each time we go. But it might be nice just to stay put for awhile.
And then we are HOME. As much as I am looking forward to all of our fun trips, I have to think that by the time we are all done I will be ready to be home - nesting and napping and prepping for Newton's arrival. Too bad we can get a passport for him/her now and get a head start on all the stamps.
We have a doctor's appointment next week, and then we are just FOUR WEEKS from finding out if it's a she Newton or a he Newton. Stay tuned!!
If I weren't on a self imposed Facebook hiatus I would "LIKE" this! Love you Newton!