I have been MIA from the blogging world. I didn't realize how far behind I was until I looked this morning. I owe Layla a few posts, and I want to do a European Vacation update. I will probably just make those all into one big lump. However, I did want to share information about what's been going on in my life since the summer started. I haven't said much about anything because there was a lot of information I didn't have, and unknowns about testing, etc. At the beginning of June I had my happy lady doctor appointment. Once again my doc was suggesting genetic testing for breast and ovarian cancers. We had been having this talk for a couple of years, but I wasn't really old enough to really be concerned. (They have all of these equations for family history, age, etc to decide these things.) Anyway, this time we decided to go ahead and do it PROVIDED I get the coverage from insurance. I am all for being prepared, but the $4000 bill...
***WARNING*** Long, sappy Mom post ahead. It might be rambly, too. Daniel and I always knew we wanted kids. There was always a debate about how many, but we figured we would start with at least one, and see how we all did. When we decided it was time, I was nervous. I had no reason to think we would have any problems, but as many moms and women who want to be moms know, the anxiety that can come with pregnancy and all that surrounds it is ridiculous. We were so so lucky. Pregnant in the first month. A perfectly normal pregnancy with the typical symptoms and such. And a great birth experience. I am so unbelievably grateful for how it all went. It's weird to think how worried I was about everything. God, I am sure, was just laughing and laughing while He handled everything. One year ago today, I was in the midst of labor. Long, painful, unmedicated, induced labor. I, of course, chose unmedicated. But that's where I...
For those of you who haven't heard, I will soon be getting more roundish. Baby Grammatikos will be making his/her appearance on or around April 2, 2012. (That makes me about 14 weeks along.) One of my good friends calls me Figs. (There is a reason, but it's either ridiculous or I can't recall. Or both.) And she started calling it Fig Newton. Now we just call it Newton. So, from here on out, the he/she shall be Newton. Daniel and I could not be more excited. We have both always wanted a kid (or kids but we will see how this one goes), and God worked out this timing pretty much exactly how we wanted it. It happened a lot faster that we were expecting. So...good for us? I don't know. I didn't believe it for a long time. I took three tests, and waited the agonizing four weeks to go to the doctor to get a real test. And then, sure enough, we saw it. There is a little bean in there. Well, now it's a lemon. But you know, it's actually in there. I had a ...
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