
Showing posts from February, 2011

T minus 6 days

6 days. 147 hours. 8867 minutes. 5320549...48...47 seconds until VACATION. (No, I didn't do the multiplication on my own. I have an app for that.) Next week, we will head to Germany again. This time we will be joining with a large group of the family to celebrate my mother-in-law's 70th birthday. As some of you know, this was supposed to be a big surprise. Alas, it was not to be. I had blocked all my German relations on Facebook save for one. The one I COMPLETELY forgot about. Daniel's GOSSIPING cousin. And after successfully keeping the secret for four months it got blown to smithereens in seconds. The good news is that my MIL was already VERY suspicious, and now she has cause to be excited and sanitize every inch of her home until we arrive. This will be my fifth trip over the Atlantic. That's weird to think about. Five times? Have we even been together that long? Sometimes it's hard to wrap my head around what my life has become. I randomly me...

Three years later...

So, last week I celebrated my third anniversary with AGENDA: Kansas City. I took this job to get away from the pit of crap that was my banking career. (Read as - going nowhere fast.) I was ready for a break from the routine that I had known for seven years. I stumbled across this company while searching for jobs in event management. An office management position was EXACTLY what I was looking for, and praise the Lord I got it. This job has been changing every day since I have been here. It's a running joke in the office that there is not enough paper in the world on which to print my job description. IT person, accountant, therapist, babysitter, iPod tutor, web designer, and the list goes on and on. For the first year, it was just office management. And it was exactly what I needed. Now it's project management, and I really enjoy it. And I am fortunate to get paid well for the random assignments I have. My boss is nuts, the hospitality industry is a gossiping mess, an...

Here we go again...

So I keep trying this blog thing, and I keep failing. BUT NOT THIS TIME! I am going to make this happen. I love keeping up with my friends, and I would love to share what is going on in my life! So here we go!