Hello, 2013!

Yeah, I am almost a month late. Oh well. So, 2013, here we are. There are a lot of things happening this year. I think less than last year. Our last quarter of 2012 was insane. I am happy to NOT have that travel schedule in our future. Still, I think we will stay busy. You might ask, with what? Or you might not care. Either way, with this stuff. Layla will turn one! I can't believe I even just typed that. It's really really hard to comprehend that she will be a YEAR OLD. In the last few weeks, she has gotten pretty mobile. She isn't crawling yet, but she has learned how to get to her knees, and sit back down, how to pull up in her crib (the mattress was moved last night), and how to scoot around on hardwood floors. She's pretty proud of herself, and it's stinking cute. When I walked in the other morning to discover her standing in her crib, she was just waving and smiling and cackling. S...